It’s summertime, and adventure awaits! We’re here to help you get to your happy place out on the water without spending a fortune. As you know, expenses to run your boat are hooked to how fast and how frequently you handle it. We KNOW you plan on boating every chance you get, so check out our tips to save money on fuel while maximizing summer fun.
What’s on your boat?
Are you storing extra tools or some old scuba gear you don’t touch anymore? You can save on fuel by freeing any unnecessary weight. Take stock of what you’re storing in the boat’s lockers, and just keep the essentials. We suggest stowing everything you don’t need while taking a short expedition at your dock or simply taking it home.
Treat your boat motor like your cars!
Your car calls for regular maintenance to keep it running smoothly, and so does your boat’s motor! Take care to tune it up regularly for utmost fuel efficiency.
Brush up on some high school science!
Put your thinking cap on, and remember that fuel is dense when cold and expands when heated. Gas storage tanks at your local gas station are underground, where it is chillier. If you fill up your tank at a time of day when it is still colder out, you’ll get denser gas and a real bang for your buck!
Slow down on the water!
Take it all in and really enjoy your work week or weekend getaway. When you reduce speeds, you save on fuel so that the hull displaces instead of forcing it to plane.
How’s the water?
Is it a calm, slightly choppy, or a rough day on the water? You can really save when you pick your day out on the water wisely. Calm and lazy days are perfect for idling slowly. On slightly choppy days when you’re planning to run on the plane, you’ll run more effectively due to a lack of friction. Avoid the rough water days entirely. You’ll be burning up fuel, fighting the waves.
Cut the commute!
If you can store your boat closer to home and choose bodies of water to explore that are nearer to you, you’ll save on the gas you need to get there! Why spend several hours in the car, anyway? That’s time that you could be on the water.
Get on board with mother nature’s plan!
Don’t have a set course? Ride the tide and go with the wind. If mother nature is offering some assistance, take it! Your wallet will thank you.
Carolina Skiff is committed to family fun, and building one of the best quality boats for a great price has always been our goal. Whether you’re looking for a pleasure boat, fishing boat, or runabout boat, Carolina Skiff delivers the most in value, quality, and style. Find a Carolina Skiff dealer near you today or visit to learn more.